
Good Cities Come In Small Packages

Bigger isn’t always better when it comes to European cities Europe’s capital cities undoubtedly offer incredible attractions, restaurants and entertainment. But don’t rule out smaller cities, which offer equally memorable cafés, architecture, history and culture. […]


Vaccination Update

Last week, I attended an “old boys” luncheon with some of my fellow retired friends and among other topics, we began discussing medical issues including what were the current vaccination recommendations for seniors, especially those […]


The Millionaire’s Manifesto

Foundational beliefs of the world’s best investors (and how you can use them to your advantage) Investing is, by and large, a numbers game. Calculating rates of return, measuring economic data, interpreting statistics and operating […]


Sneaker Guide for Spring

Spring is right around the corner, and that means getting your hands (er, feet) on some great running shoes. Your lifestyle will dictate the type of shoe you should get – if you plan on […]