Sports for Socializing

Fitness 132
Fitness 132

Physical exercise is important, but spending time with others is essential to a senior’s mental well-being too. It is important for seniors to engage with others, even if they have limited mobility and can’t enjoy the same events and friendships that they once did. Another great way to find new friendships and get healthy is to find a socializing sport, an activity that requires more than one person and which will get you not only moving, but meeting people too. Here are a few of the best sports for socializing.


This is an extremely popular sport with baby boomers for good reason: it’s mentally and physically challenging without being too strenuous, and it’s a great way to mingle with others. Golf courses are also ideal places to take in the beauty of nature.

Racquet Sports

Today, racquet sports are all the rage. They each have their own skill level and mobility requirements, depending on your abilities. Whether you choose to play tennis, badminton, racquetball, squash or the latest racquet sport to take the world by storm – pickleball – they all involve a certain amount of balance and cardio, and they require more than one person, meaning that you’ll always have someone to play with.


It’s easy to walk and talk, and it can be done in any season, anywhere. If you’re a nature lover and want to take in some fresh air, you can find paths through woods and along beaches. If you’re more of a people-watcher, join up with friends and walk through the local mall or down the main street of a town or city. If it’s just for leisure, you can keep a slower pace and, if you want to get in some exercise, try power walking or even carrying small weights while you stroll.


For decades, bowling has been a great activity for those who want to do something with other people. Most bowling alleys have bowling leagues, especially those targeted toward seniors. Many local municipalities also have lawn bowling teams and leagues in the summertime. Both forms of bowling are active and a fun way to meet others.


It doesn’t matter what musical style you prefer, you can find a way to dance to it socially. Check schedules for local community centres, YMCAs, church groups or other dance meet-ups where you can get stepping to everything from country music and line dancing to something peppier and old-timey. Take a dance class and learn how to salsa. Find a dance studio that offers adult classes in tap, jazz or even barre. Always wanted to try swing dancing? What are you waiting for? Exercise, great beats and like-minded dancers await.

Shuffleboard or Curling

Depending on the season, slow and steady wins these games. But you need more than one person to play them, so it’s always a great way to socialize too. While these two sports do require a certain amount of flexibility and balance, they help you get up and moving. They’re mentally stimulating and require teams, meaning that you’ll always have someone to play with.

By Jennifer Cox