
Tomatoes for Travellers, Part Two

Now that you’re home for another Canadian summer, why not encourage the best that your garden can offer. Here are some tricks to making tomatoes sweeter, and flowers more abundant. Making tomato bliss One thing […]


Tomatoes for Travellers, Part One

Returning to a Canadian spring, this could be the year of your best tomato success. And, with a new perspective on lawn care, you can beat the heat in mid-summer. Timing is everything Without doubt, […]


One Perfect Tree

Whether north or south, the winter months are opportune times for considering a perfect tree selection that might be all you really need. And, if you’re unexpectedly home for the winter, you may find new […]


Pruning Garden Shrubs

After a long period indoors, we all look forward to a walk in the park and some warm days of garden activity. There is much catching up to do, but best to follow pruning guidelines […]


Rhizomes in Cold Climates

Does lasting beauty exist outside of Hollywood? Yes, it could be in your garden! And if you’re tidying up borders before taking off for warmer climates, or perhaps just snoozing through autumn – are you […]


Pragmatic Gardening

Whether north or south, this is the season to relax and contemplate the coming summer at home. Low garden maintenance is key to a leisure outdoor lifestyle, and careful plant selection and innovative equipment can […]