Spring 2024
Four years later…
Our Extravaganzas and Winter Information Meetings had been dormant for four years – trapped in the dreaded Covid purgatory. This year, we decided to see if we could resurrect their past successes. Would anyone come to the shows? Would they bring their friends? Did we have any friends left after the brutal lockdowns?
We were on pins and needles with fingers and legs crossed and hoping for the best. No lineups around the block appeared and we were devastated. We should have known better.
The first trickle of snowbirds arriving at each location became a steady flow and then evolved into a flood of humanity. We were almost swamped. Tens of thousands of you and your friends showed up across the U.S. South to celebrate our freedom and our lifestyle. It was a miracle!
Your overwhelming support has made us believers in our show tours, once again, and we will continue them next year and beyond. Thank you, and we hope that you all have a wonderful spring and summer. We hope to see you again next year.
P.S. Our shows in McAllen, Texas and Mesa, Arizona did have significant lineups. Thanks for attending.
J. Ross Quigley
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A Tradition Unlike Any Other or Masters Memories
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