CSANews 100

CSABenefits CSAnews The official news magazine of the Canadian Snowbird Association is filled with valuable advice, timely tips and informative articles regarding issues that impact travelling Canadians. As an active subscriber and member of the CSA, you will receive four issues per year. OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2007 | issUe65 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 The Amazing Canadian Dollar! For more than twenty years, Medipac International has earned the respect and repeat business of snowbirds, coast-to-coast. Endorsed by the Canadian Snowbird Association, Medipac has proven time and time again to be the insurance company that snowbirds rely on. Before you travel – talk to Canada’s only “real” choice for travel medical insurance benefits. 1-888-MEDIPAC • WWW.MEDIPAC.COM Not only is there strength in numbers…there are dollars in your pocket because of them! As a member of the CSA, you can take advantage of highly competitive rates negotiated through the CSA’s group purchasing power. For your home, car and cottage protection, look to the CSA. 1-800-267-8000 When your vehicle is stranded by the side of the road, you want help, fast. Joining the CSA auto club means choosing ANY service vehicle and getting on your way. Just submit the claim to us and we GUARANTEE payment within 30 business days. 1st car…$54 2nd car…$33 1-800-265-3200 The Canadian Snowbird Association offers its members a hassle free service to convert their Canadian currency into American funds, and it has never been better. Every month we will deduct the funds from your Canadian financial institution, exchange the currency and deposit the funds directly into your U.S. based bank account. No paperwork, no phone calls. Just convenience. 1-800-265-3200 CSA INFORMATION BOOKLETS The CSA provides members with information booklets such as The CSA Travel Information Guide, The CSA Member Handbook and The CSA Travellers’ Checklist. Within these publications, you will find information pertaining to border crossing, tips to help you plan a lengthy trip and the various benefits of being a member of the CSA. No one likes to think about accidents. Protect you and your spouse against the severe financial hardships that accompany sudden death, dismemberment or loss of sight. Endorsed by the CSA. 1-800-268-3336 Endorsedby the Personal Accident Insurance Plan Designedexclusively formembersof theCanadianSnowbirdAssociation THECSAMEMBERHANDBOOK: BENEFITS & SERVICES Canadian Snowbird Association Commitment,ServiceandAdvocacy forTravellers ONTARIO CSA LICENCE PLATES Help to promote the rights and privileges of Canadian travellers every day by promoting the organization that works to protect your rights! Order your CSA licence plate today by contacting the CSA at 1-800-265-3200. Also available at any Driver and Vehicle Licence Issuing Office in Ontario. Only $82.15. Endorsedby the CSA AUTO CLUB Designedexclusively formembersof theCanadianSnowbirdAssociation Nomatterwhereyour road leads, youwillneverbealone. Total Family Protection Endorsedby the Snowbird Currency Exchange Program DesignedExclusively for theCanadianSnowbirdLifestyle Provenby thousandsofsnowbirds Exclusive,preferredexchange rates Automaticmonthly transfers Loworno transfer fees Save$100seachyear! CSA AUTO CLUB Snowbird Currency Exchange Program PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE PLAN CSANews | FALL 2016 | 55