CSANews 104

CSABenefits CSAnews The official news magazine of the Canadian Snowbird Association is filled with valuable advice, timely tips and informative articles regarding issues that impact travelling Canadians. As an active subscriber and member of the CSA, you will receive four issues per year. OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |fall2007 | issUe64 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 Living in Lake ChapaLa An in-depth lookatasouthernhaven forCanadians OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |sUMMer2008 | issUe67 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |fall2009 | issUe72 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 InsideYou’llGet: ScaryStuff! You’reGoing South! X GrainsThatMixWithTheGrape X HavePassport…CanTravel X RefinancingYourHome What’ssoSpooky AboutSt.Augustine GetYour HealthTogether OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |sUMMer2010 | issUe75 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 Rising inteRestRates WinteRdoWnundeR snoWbiRdconceRtseRies Holland Visit OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2007 | issUe65 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 TheAmazing CanadianDollar! OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |fall2008 | issUe68 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 inside… takingcareofyourskin theallureofOaxacaMexico OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |sPriNg2009 | issUe70 explore Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 Alberta OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2009 | issUe73 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 SymptomSyou Shouldnot ignore! 10 HST LAkeLAnD LoonieSoArS Also inthis issue OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |fall2010 | issUe76 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 Seeking adventure? On the road inanRV deciphering dividendS Differentstrategies for uncertainmarketconditions Whatareyou taking? Overdoing itwithover-thecountersupplements policy Wording Doyou reallyknowwhat you’rebuying? cruiSing theamazon Traveldown theworld’s second longest river OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |sPriNg2011 | issUe78 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 ABetter wAytoGive ChoosingaCharity YummY AvoCADoS MoreGreatRecipes HelpingYour DoctorHelpYou DifficultDiagnoses Also InsIde: GettInGMystIc InArIzonA surprIsInG sAskAtchewAn CSANews78.indd 1 4/28/2011 02:32:37PM OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |fall2005 | issue56 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 summertime in thewinter NEWZEALAND Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 What’s Inside? Snowbird side-trips Osteoarthritis treatment A leader speaks OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON sPriNg2008 | issUe66 CSA President DonGardiner Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2008 | issUe69 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 MyrtleBeach OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |sUMMer2009 | issUe71 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 InsideYou’llGet: EatingHealthy AGoodNight’sSleep YourRetirement Fixed MessWith Texas... Explore theLone StarState It’sEarly BirdTime! OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |sPriNg2010 | issUe74 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 ontaRiosnoWbiRds canVotebymail Victory! OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2010 | issUe77 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 meXico Discover theRichCultural HistoryofColonialCities ridingthe railS TrainStationHistory Along the I-75 emerging marketS Investingwitha GlobalStrategy WHat's Your hobby? Keepingactiveafter retirement CSANews77.indd 1 11/22/2010 08:17:58PM inthiS iSSue OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |sUMMer2011 | issUe79 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 ireLAnD Tour theEmerald Isle AffordAblerVing GoFurther forLess ThefAcTsAbouT Incontinence Beforeyou Borrow… homeequiTy loAns CSANews79.indd 1 7/4/2011 04:55:06PM EXPLORE NEWMEXICO TAX-FREE SAVINGS ACCOuNTS GETREAdyTO hEAdSOuTh OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |fall2011 | issUe80 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 BoTSWANA snowbirdsonsAfAri OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2005 | issUe57 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 louisianarebirth Restoring the SOUL of theU.S. YourVote Counts! Seepage6&40 OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2004 | issue53 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 EatingWell& KeepingFit healthylifestyletips OfficialNewsM OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2006 | issUe61 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 Meet Dr.Beach whohe isandhowhe rates America’sTopTenbeaches Drive toBermuda? our favourite i-75guide takesusover theocean SeeMe,HearMe combat sensorydeprivation associatedwithyourage OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |sPriNg2006 | issUe58 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 NewfoundlandandLabrador OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |sPriNg2005 | issue54 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 VisitManitoba HealthScreening TheWiredSnowbird s altS eW in this issue OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |sPriNg2007 | issUe62 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 CSA Breakthrough! FederalHealthMinister advisesprovinces to complywith theC.H.A. OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |sUMMer2006 | issUe59 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 Needhelp findinga doctor? access togoodMedicalcare athomeandaway OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |suMMer2005 | issue55 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 PORTUGAL a lookatanothersnowbirddestination MonasteryofSantaMaria inAlcobaça Photo: JoãoPaulo Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 FloridaTaxCrisis OntariO discover It’searlyBirdTime! deadline isaugust10 Keepexploring thissummer! Howdidwegethere? Publicationmail agreement no:40063603 OFFICIALNEWSMAGAZINEOF THE CANADIAN SNOWBIRD ASSOCIATION | FALL 2016 | ISSUE 100 THE TH ISSUE 100 EXPLORE NEWMEXICO TAX-FREE SAVINGS ACCOuNTS GETREAdyTO hEAdSOuTh OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |fall2011 | issUe80 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 BOTSWANA SnowbirdSonSafari OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |sUMMer2012 | issUe83 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 Don’tBreak yourHeart IntrospectIve InvestIng theMusIcalrIde acanadIantradItIon 20 CANADIANSNOWBIRDASSOCIATION ANNIVERSARY TH MALTA Magnificent A cornucopiaof European culture captured inone archipelago. OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2011 | issUe81 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 GalápaGos IslanDs Walkon theWildSide MeSSaround inTexaS TheaccidenTal Snowbird Don'tFallForme OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |fall2012 | issUe84 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 TheevoluTionof long-Termcare enchanTing SananTonio exploringThe chileanDeSerT 20 CANADIANSNOWBIRDASSOCIATION ANNIVERSARY TH financial STraTegieS Understanding theBasicsof JointOwnership OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |sPriNg2012 | issUe82 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 les ÎlesDela MaDeleIne 20yearsof snoWBIrD aDvocacy! ATasteof aCulinaryCruise inQuebeC bondMarkeT WhatyouneeDtoknoW exploreTheaMerican SouThweST livinglonger 20 CANADIANSNOWBIRDASSOCIATION ANNIVERSARY TH OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2012 | issUe85 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 20 CANADIANSNOWBIRDASSOCIATION ANNIVERSARY TH Queen’sDiamond Jubilee MedalsAwarded to CanadianSnowbird AssociationMembers OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |sPriNg2013 | issUe86 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 Polar Bear Safari SweetHomeAlabama EatWell–LiveLonger MortgageStrategies CSAVICTORIES BCSnowbirds Get7Months OutofProvince Florida’s International DriverPermit Repealed OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |sPriNg2014 | issUe90 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 INSIDETHIS ISSUE Discovering the NorthwestTerritories TheGolden Isles ofGeorgia ShouldYouBuy anAnnuity? Avoiding Infections ATribute to aFriendof theCSA CSANews 90.indd 1 28/04/2014 4:20:47PM OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |fall2013 | issUe88 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 INSIDE ThIS ISSUE DiscoverMyanmar TakingMedication on theRoad Choose the RightG.I.C. AJourney for YourPalate OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |sUMMer2014 | issUe91 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 Investments:When to Sell RecentMedical Advances The Golden Isles of Georgia Survey Says! Austria MORE THAN THESOUNDOFMUSIC INSIDETHIS ISSUE OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2013 | issUe89 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 500TH ANNIVERSARY OffLORIDA INSIDE ThIS ISSUE florida forNature Lovers Cashing inWithout Cashingout Don’tbeaCouch Potato LionaBoyd Spotlightona true CanadianLegend OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |fall2014 | issUe92 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 Planning Your Legacy Managing Your Health Care Amish Country INSIDETHIS ISSUE Fascinating OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2014 | issUe93 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 Planning for the Snowbird Lifestyle Seven Common Investment Errors Protecting Public Health INSIDETHIS ISSUE Patagonia Pristine OFFICIALNEWSMAGAZINEOF THE CANADIAN SNOWBIRD ASSOCIATION |WINTER 2015 | ISSUE 97 Publicationmail agreement no:40063603 TRAVEL COSTARICA FINANCE SNOWBIRD STRATEGIES RV LIFESTYLE TEXASHILLS HEALTH PREVENTINGCVD OFFICIALNEWSMAGAZINEOF THE CANADIAN SNOWBIRD ASSOCIATION | SUMMER 2015 | ISSUE 95 Publicationmail agreement no:40063603 FINANCE VACATION PROPERTIES TRAVEL UNKNOWN EUROPE HEALTH HEALTHY BACKS NEW SECTION GOLF OFFICIALNEWSMAGAZINEOF THE CANADIAN SNOWBIRD ASSOCIATION | SPRING 2016 | ISSUE 98 Publicationmail agreement no:40063603 TRAVEL SABLE ISLAND WHEREWILD HORSES ROAM FREE FINANCE WITHDRAWAL STRATEGIES RV LIFESTYLE GOLDRUSH HEALTH CAREON THEROAD OFFICIALNEWSMAGAZINEOF THE CANADIAN SNOWBIRD ASSOCIATION | FALL 2015 | ISSUE 96 Publicationmail agreement no:40063603 FINANCE RUNNIN’ DRY HEALTH EXERCISE TRAVEL BERMUDA OFFICIALNEWSMAGAZINEOF THE CANADIAN SNOWBIRD ASSOCIATION | SUMMER 2016 | ISSUE 99 FINANCE UnderstandingRisk RV LIFESTYLE CaliforniaGoldCountry HEALTH ImportantHealth Tips TheCanary Islands Publicationmail agreement no:40063603 For more than twenty years, Medipac International has earned the respect and repeat business of snowbirds, coast-to-coast. Endorsed by the Canadian Snowbird Association, Medipac has proven time and time again to be the insurance company that snowbirds rely on. Before you travel – talk to Canada’s only “real” choice for travel medical insurance benefits. 1-888-MEDIPAC • WWW.MEDIPAC.COM Get the proper coverage for you home, car, boat and seasonal property, at the price you deserve as a loyal CSA member. We understand your lifestyle and can make sure you have the coverage you need at a reasonable price. Call us today for a no-obligation quote. 1-800-267-8000 When your vehicle is stranded by the side of the road, you want help, fast. Joining the CSA auto club means choosing ANY service vehicle and getting on your way. Just submit the claim to us and we GUARANTEE payment within 30 business days. 1st car…$54 2nd car…$33 1-800-265-3200 The Canadian Snowbird Association offers its members a hassle free service to convert their Canadian currency into American funds, and it has never been better. Every month we will deduct the funds from your Canadian financial institution, exchange the currency and deposit the funds directly into your U.S. based bank account. No paperwork, no phone calls. Just convenience. 1-800-265-3200 CSA INFORMATION BOOKLETS The CSA provides members with information booklets such as The CSA Travel Information Guide, The CSA Member Handbook and The CSA Travellers’ Checklist. Within these publications, you will find information pertaining to border crossing, tips to help you plan a lengthy trip and the various benefits of being a member of the CSA. No one likes to think about accidents. Protect you and your spouse against the severe financial hardships that accompany sudden death, dismemberment or loss of sight. Endorsed by the CSA. 1-800-268-3336 Endorsedby the Personal Accident Insurance Plan Designedexclusively formembersof theCanadianSnowbirdAssociation THECSAMEMBERHANDBOOK: BENEFITS & SERVICES Canadian Snowbird Association Commitment,ServiceandAdvocacy forTravellers ONTARIO CSA LICENCE PLATES Help to promote the rights and privileges of Canadian travellers every day by promoting the organization that works to protect your rights! Order your CSA licence plate today by contacting the CSA at 1-800-265-3200. Also available at any Driver and Vehicle Licence Issuing Office in Ontario. Only $82.15. Endorsedby the CSA AUTO CLUB Designedexclusively formembersof theCanadianSnowbirdAssociation Nomatterwhereyour road leads, youwillneverbealone. Total Family Protection Endorsedby the Snowbird Currency Exchange Program DesignedExclusively for theCanadianSnowbirdLifestyle Provenby thousandsofsnowbirds Exclusive,preferredexchange rates Automaticmonthly transfers Loworno transfer fees Save$100seachyear! CSA AUTO CLUB Snowbird Currency Exchange Program PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE PLAN CSANews | FALL 2017 | 51