Fitness by Jennifer Cox What you eat or drink following a great workout at the gym, or after some sort of physical activity such as taking part in sports, can be almost as important as the exercise itself. Nourishing your body with a protein- and vitamin-packed snack or shake is far more advantageous than binging on something that you pick up from the drive-through window on the way home from the gym. In fact, a hamburger and French fries, laden in salt and trans fats, will only make your recovery more difficult. Given the caloric burn, as well as the depletion of water and energy, you will need to not only rehydrate, but also to fuel your body with healthful foods that are designed to help repair torn muscles and replace the nutrition loss which you experience during exercise. So here are the best foods to eat after a workout. Protein Did you know that when you exercise, you are actually breaking down your muscles by creating small tears, and it’s protein that can create the building blocks needed to fix them. Protein-rich foods that you should look for include meat (lean meats, poultry, fish and seafood), calcium-rich dairy items (milk, yogurt, cheese or cottage cheese and eggs), along with whole nuts and seeds, beans, peas and lentils, tofu and soy products. Quinoa is a great choice because it’s a healthful, plant-based protein. So are nut butters of all kinds. Greens Kale, collard greens and mixed greens are full of antioxidants, meaning that they can all help to reduce inflammation after physical activities. This translates to reduced feelings of being sore or worn out following a workout. You can add these superfoods to a post-workout salad or even a smoothie. Carbohydrates The AARP recommends having 30 grams of a “fast carb” after exercising to help restore glycogen and boost your energy levels. These types of carbs digest in the body quickly and rank higher on the glycemic index. For post-recovery, you can prepare two slices of wheat bread or toast, or a cup of whole wheat pasta. Bananas are also a great option because they contain not only carbohydrates, but potassium as well, which has been proven to stave off fatigue during exercise and promote muscle recovery too. Chocolate milk Your favourite drink as a child is now the go-to post-workout beverage of choice. According to Fitness Magazine, it has double the carbohydrate and protein content, making it an ideal post-workout drink for replenishing tired muscles. It has high water content, which helps to replace fluids lost as sweat, and it prevents dehydration. Plus, chocolate milk has loads of calcium, and yet only a little sodium and sugar (additives that help recovering athletes retain water and regain energy.) You take the time to plan your exercise regimens and sports activities, and it’s just as imperative to take the time to plan what you’re going to eat and drink after your workout as well. Optimize the time that you took working out by ensuring that you have healthful, beneficial and accessible snacks at-hand for afterward. Best post-workout foods 38 |