CSANews 109

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The cerebral or eccentric Bryson DeChambeau – who, at the time of writing this column, had won three of his last five starts − had this to say about the new flag ruling: “It depends on the COR − the coefficient of restitution of the flagstick,” DeChambeau told Golf.com. “In U.S. Opens, I’ll take it out. And every other tour event, when it’s fiberglass, I’ll leave it in and bounce against the flagstick if I need to.” DeChambeau believes that it will quicken play for amateurs but not for pros. As my explanation above illustrates, I disagree. Another rule implemented to speed up play, which really is a non-factor inmy opinion, is Rule 18.2, which dictates the amount of time allowed for one to search for a lost ball. This is being reduced fromfive minutes to three minutes. Who actually times their opponent anyway, while they are searching for that beloved ProV1 that is long gone in the woods? Alternative to Stroke and Distance for a Ball That is Lost or Out of Bounds is yet another rule changed to improve pace of play; it relates to the above rule modification regarding what to do when you lose a ball. According to the new modernized rules, the purpose of this change is to allow a golfer to play his next shot without having to return to the spot where the ball was deemed lost. This rule is intended for everyday play, not for professional or elite amateur competitions. This option allows the player to drop in a large area between the point where the ball is estimated to have come to rest or gone out of bounds, and the edge of the fairway that is not nearer the hole. The player gets two penalty strokes when using this relief option, so that the relief is comparable to what could have been achieved if the player had taken stroke-and-distance relief. A final rule that I’m happy about, as I’ve been known to not only be cursed with the putting yips – but the chipping yips too, over the years – is that a double hit is no longer considered two strokes. Many golf fans know this rule as a “T.C. Chen,” in honour of the golfer whose chances at the 1985 U.S. Open collapsed when he struck his ball twice with a single swing. Thank you, golf rules gods. This game is hard enough. Here’s to you playing a wee bit faster and understanding the rules a little more clearly the next time you tee it up. To review all of the new rule changes that take effect on January 1, 2019, gowww.usga.organd under PLAYING select the 2019 RULES. New rule: No penalty if a ball played from the putting green (or anywhere else) hits the unattended flagstick in hole. Current rule: Loss of hole/2-stroke penalty if the ball is played from the putting green and hits the unattended flagstick in hole. CSANews | WINTER 2018 | 45