Golf By David McPherson prevent injuries. Head to the gym and sign up for a core or yoga class that targets your shoulders and back. Stretching out your muscles regularly away from the course will help you get more rotation and speed on your swing – leading to more distance off the tee. And, like my example of the 90-year-old at my club referenced above, whenever possible walk, don’t ride. I’ve preached this before inmy column, but it bears repeating. Walking burns more calories, builds up your stamina and stretches your muscles more. After walking for a few hours, you will feel better than if you sit in a cart. Whether you walk or ride, don’t forget to fine-tune your mind. As Yogi Berra once said of baseball, “Ninety per cent of this game is half-mental.” Sure, the game drives us all a little insane at times, but playing well and enjoying golf begins with one’s attitude. Don’t quit just because your scores are not what they once were, or because you can’t drive the ball as far. Remember why you took up this game or fell in love with it as a child. Score is secondary. For me, golf is best enjoyed when my mind is at peace and I take a more Zen-like approach to my game. You can still remain competitive and work hard towards your goals, but put things in perspective and don’t let these frustrations get in the way of your enjoyment. Sharing time in nature and a few laughs with a loved one or a good friend is really what is at the heart of this great game –at least for me. RULES REFRESH This spring is also a time to get familiar with the new Modernized Rules of Golf (see my column in Issue 109, Winter 2018 “Ruminating on the Rules”) created by the USGA & R&A that came into effect on January 1. From leaving the pin in on the green to no stroke penalty for a double-hit (remember T.C. Chen?) – get to know these new rules. This will not only help you to enjoy the game more, it will prevent arguments within your foursome. Golf Canada has many resources on its website to help you navigate these rule changes and many courses are holding seminars for their members to get them up to speed. Finally, spring is a time to re-evaluate your equipment. Maybe you’ve been playing with the same old sticks for years. You deserve a new set. More important, upgrading what’s in your bag might actually help your game and make you enjoy it more. The advances in golf equipment technology in the last decade are staggering. Whether it’s adding some more hybrids to your arsenal (since they are easier to hit than long irons) or playing the right type of balls that suit your game, take time this spring to evaluate your equipment needs. Manufacturers can now tailor-fit you to the clubs that match your body type and swing speed. You will be amazed at how changes to your club loft and shaft flex can benefit you. As one of your golf resolutions, book an appointment with a club fitter and see for yourself how this simple investment can help your game. And, if you do upgrade your clubs, consider donating your old set to your local school or other community organization for the next generation to fall in love with this grand old game. Here’s to more games of golf in 2019 with friends. Meet some new playing partners, meet your goals, all the while having fun. Let me know how you make out. I’m signing off now. I’ve got a tee time to make. CSANews | SPRING 2019 | 41