J. Ross Quigley CEO Medipac International Inc. Insurance appeared and the effectiveness dropped to about 9%. When the flu shot does not work our claims increase dramatically but, fortunately, our snowbirds had mostly returned to Canada by then. Other insurance programs were not so lucky. The horrible news that the Ontario government was attempting to cancel all OHIP payments outside of Canada came as a shock to us. If they can get away with this, other provinces will follow quickly and premium rates will increase. Our best guess is that the average premium increase for all insurers will be about 7.5%. Medipac’s increase will be in the 4-5% range, based on our low administration costs. Two of the programs increasing premiums the most in January and February have very tight government connections, and I wonder if they had a pre-warning of the government cutbacks. We do too, but we had no idea that this was coming. NOW for theGoodNews! Medipac believes that CSAwill be successful in convincing the Ford government to back off of this ridiculous cutback. It will prove to be very, very expensive for them in the long run. In fact, we have asked them to increase their outof-Canada payments to $1,200 per day (in hospital), and we believe that this will save themmoney.The government was complaining about their high administration costs, so Medipac offered to take over that daunting (to them) task for 70% less than they were paying. Medipac missed the flu shot bullet and the Red Tide just did not show up this year. Claims in the West were down due to several factors, as well. And the good news is…Medipac will NOT be increasing rates for our Early Bird program and our famous 5% discount still applies. Govern yourself accordingly, as they say. CSANews | SUMMER 2019 | 15