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Health is now used for something which is sold or presented as a cure or solution to a problem but which, in fact, has no use or value. The term snake-oil salesman is used to describe someone who is trying to sell, or persuade you to buy, a useless product or one with no proven therapeutic effect. We were all familiar as children with our mother’s warning that we must bundle up in cold or rainy weather or we would, “catch our death of cold.” Numerous studies have now proven this to be false. We may feel cold and chilled, but cold viruses are usually contracted inside, where the viruses are more likely to be transmitted from other persons. Many seniors raised in the 40s and 50s recall that mother’s treatments for many chest colds and flu-like illnesses were mustard plasters and even enemas. Such torturous treatments are no longer known to be useful or acceptable. Numerous old remedies for various illnesses were eventually proven to be not only useless, but sometimes harmful. All physicians who have spent many years in practice are well aware of the evolution of various treatments and the ineffectiveness of many that were formerly widely accepted. When I first started my family practice in a small Ontario village, I inherited a large number of local residents as patients. I was amazed at how many women were coming in for their monthly injection of vitamin B12. Such treatment was used for patients diagnosed with a relatively rare form of anaemia, calledpernicious anaemia. On reviewing their charts, I found that none had had a laboratory test to confirm that there was any deficiency of vitamin B12, even though such a test was available. Allow Dreamweaver to care for your home, and guests while you’re away or during your stay. House checks, meet and greet, grocery shopping, cleaning services, special event tickets, tee times, vendor services and so much more. Pictures and e-mail sent after each visit. We don’t believe your second home services should require you to have a second job. You’ll always know who is in your home – Our Family! Call for a free consultation. Dreamweaver Concierge is Arizona’s full-service house sitting concierge that offers peace of mind that you, your home, family, and guests are well taken care of. 623-337-1036 www.DreamweaverConcierge.com Lisa@DreamweaverConcierge.com Allow Dreamweaver Concierge to offer you the Peace of Mind our clients have enjoyed for over 13 years! CSANews | WINTER 2019 | 39