CSANews 113

Lifestyle Onto your lungs. No matter how you look at it, cold air does no favours to your respiratory system. Your lungs constrict, your airways congest and the mechanism for clearing particles from your airways becomes more sluggish. To add insult to injury, these responses may weaken your immune system and decrease your protection against airborne pollutants. It’s no secret that respiratory infections such as cold and flus spreadmore easily when the mercury drops. In one study, most infections with rhinovirus − the culprit behind the majority of colds − occurred at temperatures below zero. A Harvard University article puts it plainly: “Wherever there is winter, there is flu.” Not just a matter of sneezes and watery eyes, colds and flus can put a serious dent in your health and well-being. Indeed, respiratory tract infections account for at least 20% of the excess mortality observed in the winter months. Have asthma or COPD? When the air temperature drops quickly, even by a few degrees, inhalation of the cold air puts you at a higher risk of a severe flare-up. A word of warning: stepping into an over-air-conditionedmall on a blazingly hot day can have a similar effect, you’d do best to avoid such jarring temperature changes no matter where you winter. If you have lung disease and are trying to decide on your next winter paradise, consider the Lung Institute’s advice: “The beach would be an excellent location, as the salt-filled air can have a beneficial effect on the lungs.” Surf ’s up! #ANADIAN .ORTHERN !DDRESS .AME????????????????????????????? !DDRESS??????????????????????????? #ITY 0ROVINCE 0OSTAL #ODE????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????? 0HONE ?????????????????????????????? % MAIL???????????????????????????? &LORIDA $%,)6%29 !$$2%33 .AME???????????????????????????? !DDRESS??????????????????????????? #ITY 3TATE :)0??????????????????????? 0HONE???????????????????????????? 3IGNATURE?????????????????????????? % MAIL???????????????????????????? 4:' &2 6 " 7 2 $9 &2 , & ,+ , 6 " 2& &5- &" - 2 2 6 $&2 -5 - , $ 2 ( -2 3: 9-+ , $2 " 6 ,9 6 " " 7 2 $ 2 $ 7-( ( , -2, 52 &$ , &$"9+ 9 -5 # 22 $ 9&5, , -- $ 0&, # " 9&5 5$ ,-2 $ 2 2 9&5 # 9 , 6 (,&#&2 &$ " & ,- ,&# 2 &5- $ 2- , " 2 &#( $ -+ &5 # 9 5$-5 - , ,&# , 6 $ $9 -5 & ,- 2 $9 2 # 9 "" $ 5-2&# , ,6 2 /3 :4 .343+ , & - $&2 $ "5 &$ 2 # $&$ , 5$ " +% 2 6 2 &$ &, $ 7 -5 - , ,-+ 6 ,2 - (, & - $&2 $ "5 2 &$ " , & 5( 2& +:: &, (, # 5# 2 &$+ , # 5# 2 &$- , (5 " - 2& (,&6 2 &$ " $ &,# 2 &$ $ 6 "5 + 2 , 2 $ "" 9&5 5( 2& +:: &, (, # 5# 2 &$ 9&5 , 2 2 2 " $ 2 & 9&5, -5 - , (2 &$ 7 "" - &,2 $ $ (,&(&,2 &$ 2& 2 6 "5 & 2 $5# , & (, # 5# 2 &$- (5 " - $ " 6 , 2& 9&5 5, $ 9&5, -5 - , (2 &$ ( , & 5$" -- 9&5 " 2 2& "" - ( , 2 "9 &, (, # 5# 2 &$- 9 &$2 2 $ 5-2&# , ,6 2 /3 :4 .343+ 2 # $ & 2 (5 " 2 &$ $ " 6 ,9 & (, # 5# 2 &$- - 6 , " + , 7 "" $& #&, 2 $ 4 (, # 5# 2 &$- (5 " - #&$2 5, $ 2 -5 - , (2 &$ 2 ,#+ &, " -2 & (, # 5# 2 &$- 6 - 2 777+2 " ,+ &#0-5 - , , - "&-5, -+ 5 - , ,- # 9 -5-( $ (, $2 " 6 ,9 5, $ 6 2 &$ ( , & -+ &, 6 2 &$ ( , & - " -- 2 $ 9- "" $ &$2 $5 - $ -5 - , , # $2 $- -- 2& 2 2 " (&,2 &$ & -5 - , (2 &$+ 5 - , ,- "-& 6 &(2 &$ 2& 6 (, $2 &( - " - 2 &$ ! &, # 9 &$ 2 2 $ 7-( ( , 6 "5 2& &5, 7-( ( , $ 5 2 &$ ) * (,& , #+ "" -5 - , (2 &$- #5-2 (, ( 9 ! &, , 2 , + , 8( , - 304 0' + " - , 6 7 ,#- $ &$ 2 &$- & , &, 5,2 , 2 "- &52 (, # 5# 2 &$ , - $ 9&5, ( 9# $2 &(2 &$- 9 6 - 2 $ 777+ 2 " ,+ &#0-5 - , , - "&-5, - &, 9 &$2 2 $ ì×᪠nÓ /nÓû‘[n @á ²sÜãsĄéÛãéã+ ! $ -! &, 2 4:' 1Žn ne…nÓb ,Á#Á ªý ƒĄsb @™nš@¥eb šªÓ‘e@ ããsĄé ) :+: * ) .+4% * ) '+.3 * /, ²²ĄÜ²€ãã²s @¥e @י |ªÓ áŽn / /#!²s # . $||nÏ õ·ÏnÓßÙä~Ùäü¯¤½"¨ÝóA˜eôÝŒA£ö¨ÝŒnϨ||nϽ$||nÏóA˜eݨŒ¨æÓnŒ¨˜eÓ݌A݌Aón£¨ÝÓæQÓ[ϏQne£ÝŒn·AÓÝßüeAöÓ½-Ϗ£Ýen˜ónÏöAóA˜AQ˜nôÝŒ£ÝŒn£nôÓ·A·nÏeÓÝϏQæݏ¨£AÏnA¨£˜ö½ öÓæQžÝݏ£ƒö¨æÏAeeÏnÓÓA£eÙ¨Ï nžA˜bö¨ææ£enÏÓÝA£e݌AÝö¨æžAöÏn[nón·Ï¨ž¨Ý¨£A˜¨||nÏÓ|Ϩž AÝn ¨æÓn!neAA£eÝÓÏn˜AÝne[¨ž·A£nÓ½<¨æžAöæ£ÓæQÓ[ϏQn|ϨžÏn[nó£ƒA£öÓæ[Œ¨||nÏÓAÝA£öݏžnQö[¨£ÝA[ݏ£ƒ æÓݨžnÏ0nÏó[nAݯŽsssŽß¯Ž×ßäß½ -Ϗ[n e¨nÓ £[˜æen ¨£nŽÝžn £¨£ŽÏn|æ£eAQ˜n k~½¤~ A[ݏóAݏ¨£ |nn |¨Ï £nô ÓæQÓ[ϏQnÏÓ½2Œn AeónÏݏÓne ·Ï[n e¨nÓ £¨Ý £[˜æen AeeÝ¨£A˜ [ŒAσn ¨| æ· Ý¨ k¤½üü |¨Ï nA[Œ ·Ïnžæž neÝ¨£½ -Ïnžæž neÝ¨£Ó AÏn ·æQ˜ÓŒne ݨ ·Ï¨óen AeeÝ¨£A˜ £|¨ÏžAݏ¨£ A£e óA˜æn½ /A݌nÏ ÝŒA£ Q˜˜ ö¨æ æ· Ý¨ k¤½üü |¨Ï nA[Œ ·Ïnžæž neÝ¨£b ö¨æ AƒÏnn ݌AÝ ÝŒn ˜n£ƒÝŒ ¨| ö¨æÏ ÓæQÓ[Ϗ·Ý¨£ ô˜˜ Qn ӌ¨ÏÝn£ne £ ·Ï¨·¨Ïݏ¨£ ݨ ݌n óA˜æn ¨| ݌n £æžQnÏ ¨| ·Ïnžæž neÝ¨£Ó ·æQ˜ÓŒne A£e en˜ónÏne ݨ ö¨æ eæϏ£ƒ ö¨æÏ ÓæQÓ[Ϗ·Ý¨£ ·nϏ¨eb 棘nÓÓ ö¨æ n˜n[Ý Ý¨ Qn Q˜˜ne Ón·AÏAÝn˜ö |¨Ï ·Ïnžæž neÝ¨£Ó Qö [¨£ÝA[ݏ£ƒ æÓݨžnÏ 0nÏó[n AÝ ¯ŽsssŽß¯Ž×ßäß½ 2Œn ݏž£ƒ ¨| ݌n ·æQ˜[Aݏ¨£ A£e en˜ónÏö ¨| ·Ïnžæž neÝ¨£Ó Ó óAϏAQ˜n½ 2ŒnÏn ô˜˜ Qn £¨ ž¨Ïn ݌A£ ä ·Ïnžæž neÝ¨£Ó ·æQ˜ÓŒne ·nÏ ž¨£ÝŒ½ ˜˜ ÓæQÓ[Ϗ·Ý¨£Ó žæÓÝ Qn ·Ïn·Ae Qö [Œn[— ¨Ï [ÏneÝ [AÏe½ -˜nAÓn Ïnónô 2nÏžÓ A£e ¨£eÝ¨£Ó ¨| $||nÏ |¨Ï |æÏ݌nÏ enÝA˜Ó AQ¨æÝ ·Ïnžæž neÝ¨£ [ŒAσnÓ A£e ö¨æÏ ·Aöžn£Ý ¨·Ý¨£Ó Qö óÓÝ£ƒ ŒÝÝ·ÓaÙÙôôô½ÝŒn˜neƒnϽ[¨žÙÓæQÓ[ϏQnÏeÓ[˜¨ÓæÏnÓ ¨Ï Qö [¨£ÝA[ݏ£ƒ æÓݨžnÏ 0nÏó[n AÝ ¯ŽsssŽß¯Ž×ßäß½ !¨£eAö v 0æ£eAö kØ½ä¤ ¹ £[˜ 2Aõ A£e A[ݏóAݏ¨£ |nn º 02 9 4 z 2ŒæÏÓeAö v 0æ£eAö kß½~¯ ¹ £[˜ ÝAõ I A[ݏóAݏ¨£ |nn º 0æ£eAö kߤ½ßß¹ £[˜ ÝAõ I A[ݏóAݏ¨£ |nn º 1Ž ãĄĄ 9 ‘ n /áÁb @™nš ‘ ããs²€ A˜˜a sØߎsüäŽ×ߤü LL-SPAD1106101309 DML12 and ask for the SEASON19 OFFER Call: 863-802-7216 Wed & Sunday $45.90 ( incl tax ) Limited areas Thursday – Sunday $48.69 ( Incl tax ) Monday – Sunday $54.25 ( incl Tax ) Offer Expires 3/25/2020. 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