CSANews 114

Finance Above all else, remember this... We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: money is a vitally important part of our lives. It makes life easier. It gives us freedom. It offers us independence. It allows us to realize our dreams. It can make an enormous impact on causes and organizations which we care about. It allows us to reach our potential and, if we want, it allows us to help the people who matter most to us to reach theirs. Yet, for all that, it is not themost important part of our lives. All the money in the world cannot give us meaning. Good health, a loving family, a legacy to leave behind – the sense that our life actuallymattered to our families, to our friends, to the community, and to the world – these are the things that are truly important in life, no matter what’s going on in our portfolios. CSANews | SPRING 2020 | 31