Table of Contents Features SUMMER 2020 | ISSUE 115 OFFICIAL NEWS MAGAZINE OF THE CANADIAN SNOWBIRD ASSOCIATION 48 Loneliness Offsetting loneliness in yourself and others. by Dr. Robert MacMillan Health SPECIAL SECTION: snowbirding during a pandemic 34 The barrier effect by Gabrielle Bauer Get the straight facts on masks and gloves as protection against COVID-19. 36 Reducing COVID-19 risk by Dr. Susan Reicheld Can you reduce your COVID-19 risk by changing your health? 38 Fears of flying by John Hardy Travel with the new normal. 40 Know where to “go” by Alexis Campbell How to stay safe – and sanitized – on the road this fall. 44 Hotel changes by Donna Carter An concerted effort has made hotels cleaner and safer than ever before. . 46 Takeout during COVID-19 by Jennifer Cox What restaurants are doing, and what you should do, too. 47 Longevity by Jennifer Cox Keeping socially active while being socially distant. 51 Fitness by Jennifer Cox Equipment to add for your home workouts when you can’t go to the gym. 52 Golf by David McPherson Sing a tune to help remember social distancing measures. 54 CSA Online by Andrew Moore-Crispin Check your online sources before believing everything you hear about COVID-19. 4 |