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Health pain at rest − aggravated by movement, especially in the extremes. As the initial pain is usually mild, anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen along with topical analgesic compounds are often used but, with persisting or increasing pain, consultation with your physician is recommended. In the area below the tip of the shoulder (the acromion) lies a bursa, a fluid-filled sac that cushions the tendons. This sac may become inflamed (shoulder bursitis) and may or may not be associated with tendinitis. In some cases, the tendinitis may be associated with the deposit of calciumwithin one or more rotator tendons. This condition, calcific tendinitis, is associated with more intense pain − often worse in the morning − and is more common in diabetics and older adults. Shoulder disorders and the limitation of movement over a period of time can lead, in some cases, to a “frozen shoulder” or adhesive capsulitis. In this condition, there is a thickening and stiffening of the tissues around the joint and the range of movement of the arm may be severely compromised. This occurs more frequently where there has been insufficient treatment of the tendinitis, in women and persons between the ages of 40 and 60. Medical treatment, including physiotherapy, is necessary. Occasionally, shoulder pain may be from a disorder in the neck but felt in the shoulder. This referred pain can be caused by a number of conditions. Cervical osteoarthritis, commonly occurring in people over the age of 60, is caused by deterioration in the discs between the bony vertebrae. As the vertebrae move closer together, the joints may become affected with osteoarthritis including joint surface damage and bony spurs. If there is pressure on the nerves exiting the spine at the site of arthritic changes, or from effects of a herniateddisc, the nerve(s) that supply the arm can become ‘pinched’ and the resulting pain can appear to be a shoulder problem. In such cases, there may be associated pain that radiates down the arm and movement of the neck can sometimes either relieve or intensify the symptoms. Osteoarthritisof the shoulder joint is an uncommon cause of symptoms but, on rare occasions, may be found to be the cause. In this condition in which there is destruction of cartilage, the cushioning material on the joint surfaces is eroded, causing the bare bone surfaces to rub against each other. Hips and knees are the most common sites for this condition. Most people beginning to experience shoulder discomfort begin home treatment before seeking medical attention. This should include stopping any repetitive motion or sport that may be suspected as causing or aggravating the symptoms. In the first 24-48 hours following any mild shoulder injury, symptoms can be treated with ice or cold packs. After that, heat often relieves discomfort, as well as mild overthe-counter anti-inflammatory medications. Pain-relieving topical creams may also help. Although exercises are not recommended in these initial few days, the arm should be moved regularly to its full range to help prevent stiffness. 1800-430-1422 Discount codeCSA • Persavita.com Free Bottle +15% off! Premium Saffron Supplements for Macular Degeneration (AMD) & Cataracts Money-Back Guarantee CSANews | SPRING 2021 | 33