British Columbiahas one registration system for all residents. Go to: Click on: Record an Out-of-BC COVID-19 Vaccine Direct Link: Toll-free Assistance: 1-833-838-2323 GOOGLESearch: OUT OF PROVINCE VACCINE REGISTRATION BRITISH COLUMBIA Albertahas one registration system for all residents. Go to: Click on: COVID-19 Information for Albertans Click on: Vaccine Registry Direct Link: GOOGLESearch: OUT OF PROVINCE VACCINE REGISTRATION ALBERTA Saskatchewanhas provided a link to an immunization submission form that you can complete online and save as a PDF (or print off, complete by hand and scan), then e-mail along with a scan of your vaccination card Go to: Click on: Immunization Submission form E-mail the completed form and vaccination record to: Direct link: GOOGLESearch: OUT OF PROVINCE VACCINE REGISTRATION SASKATCHEWAN Special Report Did you get a COVID-19 Vaccine outside of Canada? You should register your vaccination status with your Health Insurance Plan Snowbirds who received their COVID-19 vaccines outside of their home province or outside of the country may want to register their vaccination status with their Provincial Health Insurance Plan. Some provinces have one registry for the entire province; provinces such as Ontario require registration with your specific health unit. Unfortunately, not all provinces and territories have systems in place to register COVID-19 vaccinations received outside of the province…yet. The CSA is working towards having this corrected as the potential for vaccine passports becomes a more likely reality. Some provinces have a vaccination portal where you can enter your information and upload your vaccination card. Others prefer that you e-mail your personal information and vaccination accreditation. If you are having trouble finding a secure web page on which to enter your vaccination status for your particular health unit, give them a call; the staff are very helpful and can walk you through the steps to get your vaccination status registered. Here is what we have been able to find at the time of writing. We have provided the “Main” website addresses for the appropriate portals, but the direct links may change over time – so we have also included GOOGLE Search Keywords to help you get there. CSANews | FALL 2021 | 9