Over our lifetimes, the brain changes more than any other organ in our body. As we reach our golden years, however, the brain changes rapidly and many people notice negative changes in cognitive skills such as memory, attention and the ability to learn. Fortunately, there are many ways to slow the progression of these changes and improve brain health, no matter your age. First, take measures to control high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, all of which have been linked to cognitive decline. Reducing alcohol intake, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly will help manage these conditions and improve your brain health. Brain volume begins decreasing in our 40s, primarily in the frontal lobe and hippocampus, the areas of the brain essential for memories, attention, learning, problem solving and even personality. As we grow older, our blood vessels can narrow, weaken, or become blocked, limiting blood and oxygen flow. While the brain may only account for about 2% of total body mass, it needs about 20% of our oxygen-rich blood to function. Finally, white matter in the brain deteriorates over time. These bundles of nerve fibres pass impulses and information among different areas of the brain. White matter atrophy slows these lines of communication, impacting how quickly we process information. Oxygen and blood flow can also be improved through interventions such as the Aviv Medical Program, a holistic treatment program that can include nutritional coaching, cognitive and physical training, and a unique hyperbaric oxygen therapy protocol designed for optimizing brain and body performance. Aviv Clinics specializes in treating agerelated conditions. More than 96% of clients achieve clinically verifiable improvements in brain function. If you or someone you love is starting to experience cognitive decline, it’s not too late to intervene. Take Action Now to Slow Cognitive Decline By Dr. Elamir, Lead Physician at Aviv Clinics Contact Us for a Free, No-Obligation Consultation aviv-clinics.com | 352-718-2377 Why do these changes occur? Can changes be stopped? Advertorial