CSANews 131

Table of Contents 38 Fitness by Jennifer Cox 39 Book Review by Robert Wiersema 40 Golf by David McPherson 42 CSA Online by Milan Korcok 44 Gardening by Judith Adam 46 Food & Drink by Shari McIntyre 48 Fun & Games 49 Grins & Giggles 50 CSA Application 51 CSA Benefits 52 CSA Events 54 Fast Facts 2 Snowbird Events 5 Editor’s Message 8 Snowbird Alert 9 Bird Talk 10 President’s Message 11 Government Relations Report 12 Insurance by J. Ross Quigley 13 Opinion by Michael Coren 28 Real Estate by Milan Korcok 34 Health Pulse 35 Longevity by Jennifer Cox 36 Fitness by Donna Carter 32 22 The Periodic Health Examination Now that a yearly physical is not recommended for healthy individuals, it’s important to pay attention to your health and make arrangements for medical care if required. by Dr. Robert MacMillan Finance The 12 deadly sins of personal finance Understanding the mistaken ideas, destructive behaviours, and areas of ignorance that can threaten your long-term financial health. by James Dolan Health Departments CSANews | SUMMER 2024 | 7