Health If there is not a 911 situation, you should call the insurer right away. In many cases, especially in the sunbelt U.S. states, insurers are aware of most facilities in the area. They will often know which ones have pre-arranged financial arrangements wherein your insurance will be readily recognized and honoured. Upon arrival at the emergency room, you or a family member should provide the insurance information. You should not provide a credit card or make a payment to a hospital up front without notifying your insurance company (if you have a deductible, you may be required to pay that by credit card to your insurance provider). U.S. laws require that you be given the medical attention you require and only transfer you to another facility if care for your condition is more appropriately provided at another hospital, or upon request by you or your insurer. Individuals who surrender a credit card often later recognize that a large amount has been charged to the card. Remember to advise the hospital that all tests, procedures and hospital admissions required pre-authorization by your insurer. In other countries, there are usually similar regulations requiring necessary emergency care. In all cases, try and resist surrendering your credit card. Even if you have no insurance, hospitals will usually bill you directly if pressured to do so. Whether receiving further outpatient or inpatient investigation or treatment, always keep in close touch with the insurer. They are then able to be involved with your required care, keep in touch with family at home or with you and be able, in some cases, to be quick to begin repatriation arrangements if such are indicated. Repatriation may be indicated if the condition is not resolved and more extensive investigation or surgery is needed, or in some cases where extended care is needed. In many cases, family and the patient want further care to occur at home. There may be a commercial air return with or without a nurse or, in more serious cases, an air ambulance return from hospital to hospital. Acquiring beds in Canada is often difficult – Canadian hospitals will insist that you go to a hospital in your local living area – and the sooner the assistance personnel begin the task, the sooner the repatriation can occur. While away, an unexpected death occasionally occurs, either in hospital or elsewhere. If the death occurs outside of the hospital as a result of injury or illness, a coroner or Small and Largemouth Bass, Walleye & Northern Pike We offer various American Plan or Housekeeping Packages At our Remote Lodges & Outposts in Port Loring, Ontario Experience FLY-IN FISHING Only 3.5 hrs North of Toronto Call or e-mail now! 1-800-663-2277 30 |