CSANews 99

Health Travel health insurance policies do not cover ongoing investigation and treatment for the same medical condition. If there has been a covered hospitalization and the individual has been discharged and likely covered for one followup doctor’s visit, further ongoing coverage for the continuing problemor a recurrence of the same problemwould not be a covered benefit. If a claim is to be made for a medical incident, be sure and know the terms of your policy and whether or not future coverage for that condition will still be in effect. Always check with the assistance personnel. If you will not be covered and there is a significant chance that there will be more trouble, you should seriously consider returning home. There are also those who begin to experience medical problems and want to delay seeking attention until their trip is over and they can be treated in their own community. This is a mistake and can often lead to complications or even premature death. Most snowbirds spend their holiday time in warm southern locations where there is ample opportunity for healthy diets, exercise and pursuing a lifestyle that will maintain and even improve their health. Unfortunately, some snowbirds regard it as their “winter holiday,” getting too much sun, too many calories, too much alcohol and/or too much sitting. The absence of snow and ice makes it easy for most to exercise either with daily walks or by participating in one of the many opportunities such as swimming, pickle ball, etc. Fresh fruits and vegetables in most locations allow for healthy dietary choices, including the reduction of consumption of foods high in calories, salt, saturated fat and sugar. Each year, there are those who have the misfortune of running out of their prescribedmedication. Fortunately, most provinces now extend the permissible supply to six months, allowing snowbirds to take the total amount with them when leaving. If, for whatever reason, you have an inadequate amount, it’s often necessary to incur the additional expenses of both a doctor’s visit for a new prescription and the cost of the drug itself. Contact a family member or your home pharmacist to see if they can help. (Some people are able to have a relative fill the prescription at home and successfully mail the required medication, but this may not be possible.) When away from home and one’s usual physicians, there is a tendency for some to procrastinate when symptoms which require attention arise. The worst cases are often such serious events as sudden unexplained chest or abdominal pain. Delay in proper diagnosis and treatment can lead to complications and even death. Be sure and seek attention as you normally would back home. If an emergency, call 911. If something is less urgent, call the insurer’s assistance line for direction. Determine in advance where local services such as a walk-in clinic are available. Following these recommendations may well reduce your risk of such problems while away from home. Planning and preparing for your trip carefully, consulting medical expertise when indicated and living a safe and healthy lifestyle will all help to ensure another snowbird vacation. Take sufficient prescription drugs Seek care when needed Return home when indicated Take advantage of a healthy lifestyle 34 | www.snowbirds.org